Blender 2.6 e YafaRay 0.1.2 Beta 5a [EN]

I tried to install the 0.1.2 Beta 5 YafaRay exporter for Blender 2.6 on my 32-bit Windows system, follow the instructions on the site but when I said Blender to install 'I came out of the addon pageto activate the plugin.
I opened the archive and I realized that it was incomplete because it only contains the dll and scripts pyton, here are the correct procedure for installation:

1) download the file for Windows 64-bit
2) Download the archive for 32-bit windows
3) Unzip the archive to the root of the folder where we downloaded the files(extract here) will create a folder called yafaray
4) Unzip the archive to the root of the folder where we downloaded the files(extract here)
ask you to overwrite some files, you consent to the operation
5) Zip the folder yafaray

6) Proceed with the installation as described on site where you downloaded the files

You can download correct package at :


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